What inspired you to start your own brand and how did you begin?
I felt really unfulfilled in my old job, there was no passion there and i couldn't wait till the day was over, it just didnt feel like my best life. I wanted a job where it was my everything and i put my all into it. It actually started originally with a few ventures before Unicorn, so ebay selling fullips and some jewellery i privately sourced under the name of dollymixroxx. It was a really natural organic journey and not an overnight process. Our Unicorn brushes took nearly a year to create.
Would you host a working shop? speaking about your experience within the industry?
I am actually really shy and hate public speaking, however i do believe you need to push out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself, so if i could help others i would love to do this.
Did anyone ever doubt your dreams at first because your a women?
I am fortunate in that i have not really faced adversity from being a woman or faced any prejudice that i am not good enough, maybe people thought it privately but they never voiced it to me.
What was the first pair of lashes you ever made called?
Oooooh it was actually our first collection of 7 lashes we ever brought out, all of which we discontinued now. I think it was Raven and Vespertine.
What is the most annoying thing/question customer say/ask you through DM or email?
Can i answer this honestly? oops! Probably where is my order, its been 48 hours. So not giving the most understanding that royal mail tracked 48 delivery does not mean 48 hours literally. It is a 2-3 working day service (not including weekends) and we also need 1-2 days to dispatch your item. Although in most cases we do dispatch within the same day. Don't hate me.
What gave you the passion to make the brand?
Honestly being bored in my old job, i just wanted to feel inspired and passionate about something. I also don't believe in the word no, and i think thats super important. You can achieve anything you want, you just have to believe it.
When did you first get into my makeup?
When i was teen maybe 14-15, although i'm 33 now so started a lot later with makeup then i see now. I see 12 year olds absolutely killing it and doing their makeup way better then i can even now.
Name three women who inspire you and why?
The girls from doll beauty Prinny & Samantha. Plouise and Oh polly founder Claire Lainey because of her Cambodia charity work and the heart of the brand.
Whos is your women crush?
100% Britney Spears, i am obssessed with her. In the 90s she was everything.
If you were in a karaoke bar what song would you sing?
Britney Spears, oops i did it again.
Favorite TV/Movie character right now?
I'm really in the moment with TV shows so it constantly changes, so right now im binging the good doctor which is about an autistic doctor trying to make it as a surgeon.
Motto you live by?
Be persistent, be focused and never quit.